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Come and enjoy our Cocktail party!

Every Wednesday, until the end of August, at the design #ID bar in Karlovy Vary. Immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the #ID bar and enjoy one of our many great cocktails accompanied by live music. Plus with a special discount of 20%.

Limited time offer! Cocktail party ends in:

ID Bar Restaurant Cocktail party

Přijďte ochutnat degustační
menu v rámci Maureruv
Grand Restaurant Festival.

Grand Restaurant Festival

Denní Nabídka HALLOWEEN

Prohlédněte si naše menu a nechte se zlákat explozí chutí, barev a emocí pro které stojí za to žít!

halloween idbar restaurant


Take a look at our menu and let yourself be tempted by the explosion of flavors, colors and emotions that are worth living for!

halloween idbar restaurant


Взгляните на наше меню и наслаждайтесь взрывом вкусов, красок и эмоций, ради которых стоит жить!

halloween idbar restaurant

Tagesangebot HALLOWEEN

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unsere Speisekarte und lassen Sie sich von der Explosion von Aromen, Farben und Emotionen verführen, für die es sich zu leben lohnt!

halloween idbar restaurant

Guest reviews

We highly appreciate the opinion of our guests, which are both motivation and inspiration for our work. Therefore, we would like to share some of them with you.

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Nulla vel elementum sapien. Suspendisse condimentum, enim at finibus commodo, justo tortor porta arcu, ac vulputate ante elit nec libero. Maecenas interdum mi ullamcorper, pretium metus rutrum, rhoncus ex. Donec ut consequat quam. Nam mattis tempor ante, vitae porta erat ultricies eget.

ID Bar Restaurant Cocktail party

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sagittis tempus magna, vel fringilla erat sodales non. Integer vel lacus ac